Energy Services/Net Zero

Energy services/
Net Zero

What is Net Zero?

In June 2019, the UK parliament passed legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases to Net Zero by 2050. Achieving Net Zero is done by creating an overall balance between emissions produced and emissions taken out of the atmosphere.

How do you achieve Net Zero?

Although Net Zero may seem a like a distant goal for many, it is fully achievable with the right strategy in place. The first step in developing a Net Zero strategy is understanding your current position and what your current energy usage or expenditure is.

How Fusion Power Solutions can help you reach your Net Zero goals:

We have developed a wealth of experience in creating strategies and solutions for our customers to help move them towards their Net Zero goals.

Whether you are taking your first steps or refining a long-established plan, we will work closely with you to understand your motivations and business practices.

Once the plan is created, we will help you implement it and then optimise it.

This is where we can play an important role, providing a way to benchmark, manage, and optimise your Net Zero strategy.

We can offer a number of Energy Services to help you reach your Net Zero Goals as listed on the right hand side drop down boxes (Funding Available).

Our experts are on hand to help you create the perfect strategy for your business, and help you on the road to achieve Net Zero as soon as possible.

Click the Contact button below to learn more

An energy audit can involve looking at different aspects of your business, including your premises. Energy audits can uncover, as business you may be wasting energy, using too much or could switch to a more sustainable way of working.

Energy efficiency audits will identify any areas of waste, this will include a fully comprehensive review and analysis of your premises. This will show us how energy efficient your current practices are and where you would be able to reduce your business energy consumption, consequently lower your bills. Having an energy audit on site can save your business between 10% and 40% on your annual energy costs, implementing energy saving technologies and simple things such as behavioural changes.

 LED’s provide a highly efficient and sustainable lighting source that reduces the cost of replacing bulbs by £100’s a year.

Switching to LED’s can cut your lighting bills by as much as 80%.

As well as the obvious savings to the business, LED’s improve the quality of lighting in your workplace which has been proven to improve productivity.

Furthermore, with funding available for projects of all size you can have LED’s installed at no capital cost to the business.

Improvements in technology, government incentives and low operating costs mean that electric vehicles (EV’s) are an increasingly attractive option for vehicle owners. Businesses and fleet operators.

By 2030, it is estimated that there will be 5.6 million Electric Vehicles driving to work every day. With 40% of UK homes having no access to off-street parking, the question of where to charge these vehicles is looming large.

We have products available that can help end “range anxiety” from home charging, workplace charging and rapid charging. This can also be an extra revenue stream as you have the ability to charge users for utilising the chargers.

Voltage Optimisation is an energy saving technology that is used to regulate, clean and condition the incoming power supply, in order to reduce the voltage supplied to the optimum level for the on-site electrical equipment and appliances.

Power from the National Grid is supplied at a higher voltage than necessary, this is due to old electrical distribution networks in place which were designed to operate at higher voltage levels. As well as electricity suppliers being required to ensure all buildings are supplied voltage within set parameters.

If a building is being supplied at a higher voltage than required it will more than likely result in a lot of wasted energy, excessive levels of carbon emissions, and higher than necessary electricity bills in addition to power quality issues, including increased wear and condensed lifetime of electrical equipment.

Voltage optimisation technologies are usually installed in series between the distribution transformer and the main low voltage distribution board, consequently, allowing all the consumer’s electrical equipment to benefit from an optimised power supply.

Energy storage systems, also known as batteries stores, allow you to capture heat or electricity when it is instantly available, normally from a renewable energy system, and save it until a time when it is useful to you.

The use of batteries for energy storage allows the production and use of renewable energy to be delinked from low consumption periods. These systems allow you to overcome obstacles that are caused by the intermittent production of this energy, which is a problem that can never be denied.

Reduce monthly demand charges by offsetting your energy at peak facility demand (peak shaving) periods to minimise your monthly demand charges.

Battery Storage systems allow you reduce your electricity cost, around 25%, therefore, resulting in less demand on the grid. These systems are ideal for anyone who wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimise pollution.

Solar energy is that produced by the Sun’s light – photovoltaic energy – and its warmth – solar thermal – for the generation of electricity or the production of heat. Inexhaustible and renewable, since it comes from the Sun, solar energy is harnessed using panels and mirrors.

Photovoltaic solar cells convert sunlight directly into electricity by the so-called photovoltaic effect, by which certain materials can absorb photons (light particles) and liberate electrons, generating an electric current. Alternatively, solar thermal collectors use panels or mirrors to absorb and concentrate the Sun’s heat, transferring it to a fluid and conducting it through pipes to use it in buildings and installations, and for electricity production (solar thermoelectric).

The added benefits of solar other than cutting energy bills is solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment compared to any other energy source. You can sell unused energy back to the grid.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) refers to the simultaneous generation of useful heat and electricity.

CHP can reduce carbon emissions by up to 30% compared to the separate means of conventional generation via a boiler and power station.

The heat generated during this process is supplied to a correctly matched heat demand that would otherwise be met by a conventional boiler. CHP systems are highly effective, making use of the heat which would otherwise be wasted when producing electrical or mechanical power. This allows heat constraints to be met that would otherwise require extra fuel to be burnt.

CHP typically has an efficiency of over 80%. Operators typically saving around 20% on energy bills and can save up to 30% on carbon emissions.

If you currently use oil, LPG or electricity to heat your home switching to a biomass boiler will save you up to 50% on your annual heating bills.

Biomass boilers are around 90% efficient, meaning you will use less fuel to keep warm.

Biomass boilers are eligible for the Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive, which pays you a tax free, index linked payment for seven years covering the cost of your boiler with an additional income on top of that.

Biomass boilers burn wood which are pellets sustainably farmed, meaning that your energy is effectively carbon neutral.

Switching to renewable energy will enable you want to cut your reliance on traditional energy companies.